

The story of the full spectrum warrior

To finally see and comprehend the principle of containing something, raises the question of source or resource and its flow. The Beginning and the Ending. The work of the universe is simple and easy. Way of least resistance. So when we start to enter the darkness by choice we still can't see or know but feel that there is space to dive into. Matter maybe. Plasma all over the place.

Being pushed into the dark creates fear, entering by courage bears challenge, falling into it can happen and letting go to accept it means trusting to arrive and therefor to never die by heart. Because the light lives in the heart that's why it's here and now on holidays. The mind contains the dark and so it never can be thought but loved to embrace the void.

But where should such a intense and pure force origin from? How could it be that every single one of us is part of it?

We all have a heart. Do we? At least the beat you can't deny. And this beat or vibe occurs in all living! So how dare you not to see that there is music in all of us. And why should we let you limit us and containing us for yours only use?

Agreements are not bad, but must be fair to be by definition: balanced. Every child knows the joy and pitfalls of unbalanced positions or situations. So stop pretending you are above or below that balance which would lead to your own demise. You are as stupid as you make yourself. To wake up to life and not only following the next sensation as you were continuously trained to strife for. And most of us understand exactly to this false illusion of self deprivation due to comparison with the social standards and needs displayed on screens and minds wherever you look out to in to many places on this precious homeworld of our future generations!

Utterly clear it must be seen out in the open now that to look first into yourself before one dives out into the whole picture to find explication and implication a like of why you are here and now. And what you might find from moment to moment can not harm you but you still might dislike it.

To remember that there is a stream and flow of energy to raise and fall, day and night, dream and nightdare, matter and emotion, start and finish can make you whole. Now give and receive in harmony to heal yourself and shine as bright as the rainbow of light. Never to destroy, but always in change lies the challenge nevertheless for the warrior always to remain in piece and peace with his enemy, as the enemy is within yourself.

This timeless hide and seek within all things displays the beauty of the game of creation which has an insurance built in it too. Yes the universe is funny too! So to not make us robbing other planets the security mechanism is fear and to buy that attachment of your focus when you blink.

When there are actually bread crumbles to master your own suit and to marry your dreams into one all waiting for you!

Orrim the red